Contact any of our units to join...
Depending upon where you reside, there may be a unit near you! Below are the websites, FB pages and/or direct email addresses to each unit. If not sure which unit to contact, feel free to contact any unit or send a message to an administrative member of the NEB for guidance. Send an administrative message here...
2nd Connecticut Heavy Artillery Volunteer Regiment
Contact: Randy Pesut
Contact: Kim Perlotto
14th Connecticut Regiment, Company F
Contact: Paul Martinello
10th Massachusetts Vol Inf.
13th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
Contact: Russell Marchand
15th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
Contact: Auggie Martin
20th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
Contact: Mark McBride
22nd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
Contact: Mike Reimer
28th Massachusetts Infantry, Company H
Contact: Garrett Peloquin
28th Massachusetts Infantry, Company K
Contact: Todd Bryda
54th Massachusetts Infantry
3rd Maine Infantry
5th New Hampshire Regt, Co H
6th New Hampshire Infantry, Company E
Contact: Matthew Cronin
2nd Rhode Island Infantry, Co. B
Contact: Ben Frail
Battery B 1st Rhode Island Lt Artillery
Contact: Phil DiMaria
Northeast Topographical Engineers
Contact: Greg Webster
Contact: Greg Webster
Contact: Ernest Hegmann
Contact: Ken Sellers